Every Day Tips To make Home Cleaning Hassle Free

Cleaning around the house can be a drag sometimes. Stubborn stains, bad odors that won’t go away and dirt that builds up faster than you can take it away are all everyday cleaning hassles.  Tips and tricks that take away the drag save you time and help achieve better results that last for longer.

Use a checklist

Always have a checklist when starting the day. This helps prioritize tasks and keep you focused finishing faster and more efficiently.

Make natural air freshener

Simmer the following ingredients in a saucepan with a quart of water to have fresh scent in the house;

  • 2 tablespoons thyme and 1 sliced lime
  • 1 piece chopped ginger root and 1 sliced lime
  • 2 tablespoons rosemary, 1 sliced lemon and a dash of vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 sliced orange and a dash of cloves and nutmeg

Keep the trash can clean

To combat bad odors coming from the garbage disposal, follow these steps;

  • Put pieces of lemon in the garbage disposal grind them and run water for 10 seconds
  • Put frozen orange and lemon peels in the garbage disposal, grind them for 10 seconds
  • Pour ½ cup baking soda and 1 cup white vinegar in the unit and let it sit for 10 minutes before running it out.

Fresh toilet

To keep the toilet ever clean and free of bad odors, pour a cup of baking soda and let soak for 1 hour. Pour a cup of white vinegar and let it rest for 5 minutes before flushing.

Keep showerheads clean

Remove hard residue from shower heads by immersing it in a polythene bag full of white vinegar tied around the showerhead. Let it stay overnight.

Make natural cleaner

Put lemon or orange or lemon peels in a jar full of vinegar. Let the arrangement sit for at least 2 weeks and then strain. The natural cleaner is ideal for cleaning floors and disinfecting other surfaces.

Homemade scouring powder

Remove soap scum from sinks and tubs by making a scouring powder with 1 part borax, 1 part salt and 2 parts baking soda.

Discover microfiber

Antibacterial microfibers enable cleaning without cleaners and with water alone. Using microfiber to clean glass does not leave streaks making your windows and mirrors cleaner.

Keep natural cleaning ingredients

To make your own home cleaners stock up on ingredients to help you formulate different types of cleaners by getting recipes off the internet.

  • Borax
  • Washing soda
  • Baking soda
  • Lemons
  • White vinegar
  • Natural salt
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Liquid castile soap




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Pacific Breeze Cleaning is a residential and commercial service that provides professional cleaning in Langley , Surrey and White Rock areas .

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